Most people who visit the Garden Expo will choose the north gate and east gate while less people choose the west gate. But people who have come to the Garden Expo all know that there is a Jianghan Wan near the west gate. Buildings of Jianghan Wan are Jinchu style and they were designed with the concept of “shadow discovery story”. These buildings have courtyards with four entrances and beautiful sceneries. And there also exits the most special scenery, that is, 30 a few beautiful parrots in the entrance of Jianghan Wan.
Parrot is a kind of smart and beautiful animal with gorgeous feathers and likes talking and tweeting. And it is of various kinds and mainly distributed in tropical forests. Parrots are often kept as pets and liked by people all around the world. Most parrots mainly eat Plant fruit, seeds, nuts, berries, etc on the trees or ground. Some parrots suck honey and mainly eat pollen, nectar and soft juicy fruits. Life of parrots generally lasts for only a few decades, but some also live to more than 100 years old who are rather ancient in birds.
——“Adorable birds” in the Garden Expo——
Parrots in the Garden Expo are mainly rarities such as “performance artist” Blue-and-Yellow Macaw, “leafy and green” Amazon Parrot, “slacker” Alexandrine Parakeet and so on. It is said that the one who likes stealing the show most in these parrots is an Amazon Parrot named “Jerry”:
This parrot is very interesting. When seeing visitors holding up cameras, it will coordinate to put a pose and say a few words of Wuhan dialect suddenly:
“ni gao mo si?” (What are you doing?)
“wo e le.” (I’m hungry.)
Or when seeing smart girls coming, it will flatter by surprise:
“ni hao piao liang.”(You are gorgeous.)
Every time it makes people giving out hearty laughter.
As the parrot trainers here introduced, seven or eight parrots in the Garden Expo can talk and talkative “Jerry” is one of the best and it has surprising language gift. And other parrots are still in the learning period, only saying some simple communication language like “zao shang hao!”(Good morning), “xie xie.”(Thanks) and the like.
Many visits come here all like stopping for a moment to tease these lovely parrots and throwing food they like to feed them like melon seeds, peanuts and so on. There are also “foodies” in parrots. When seeing melon seeds holding out, they crack them one by one loudly with the sound of “kaboon kaboon”. They are really really cute!
All said that parrots are smart, however, it still needs a long time to teach them talking. Parrots trainers in the Garden Expo say the best communication way of teaching parrots talking is throwing food to feed them and it will quickly reach the purpose of cultivating relationships with them. Every time you throw food to feed, you can repeatedly mention what you want it to learn and it will form a habit in time. Then it may suddenly blurt out and give you a surprise.
——Severe survival problem——
As a kind of medium and small birds with gorgeous feathers, parrots are loved by people deeply. In all flower and bird market in Wuhan, different kinds of parrots are lined there, some need a few hundreds yuan and rare species need more than ten thousands yuan. Parrots kept in home always have learned authentic Wuhan dialect.
Alexandrine Parakeet
Lesser Sulphur -Crested Cockatoo
Monk Parakeet
Derbyan Red-breasted Parakeet
Eclectus Parrot
However, their beauty bring them severe survival problem. The endangered species of parrot is increasing year by year. For example, New Zealand's kakapos are endangered because of mice and ferrets in their habitat. And in order to reap huge profits, some people capture wild parrots here and there, then through long-distance transport carry them back into the market and domesticate them. And you may not know, their survival rate is only 1/17 in the process.
Parrots in the zoo
In addition to the parrot, now many wild birds survival situation is also very worrying. The situation of illegal hunting of wild animals is very common and the number of some rare birds is getting smaller and smaller. And there more and more people shooting, selling, eating birds illegally. Some time ago, the case of “went nesting in front of own house had been sentenced to 10 years ” is an example of illegal hunting of rare birds.
Parrots in the Garden Expo can make people laugh and feel good and we can see its popularity. What we want to say is if you love parrots too, you can choose to regular bird markets and zoos to watch parrots which have already been trained and domesticated. Please don’t buy wild parrots stolen by bird dealers. After all, we love them and we have the responsibility to protect them.